YPPE Version 1.1.0
survit function returns now a list containing two objects: time and surv associated with the observed survival times and their corresponding survival probabilities.
inclusion of model.matrix method
implementation of phpe() and phpo() functions to fit proportional hazards (PH) and proportional odds (PO) models.
implementation of anova.yppe() function to carry out likelihood ratio tests.
implemantation of AIC.yppe() function to compute AIC (Akaike information criterion).
implemantation of logLik.yppe() function to extract the log-likelihood value of a fitted model.
the YPPE package now requires rstan Version 2.26.
update package reference.
YPPE version 1.0.1
CRAN release: 2020-01-09
coef() function to extract the regression coefficientes under the MLE approach
vcov() function to compute the variance-covariance matrix associated with the regression coefficients under the MLE approach
confint() function to compute the 100(1-alpha)% confidence intervals under the MLE approahc
bug fix: yppe() function now works properly if both the number of intervals and the time grid (n_int and rho) are passed as arguments; the default time grid is now computed by using all distinct observed failure times as the endpoints of the intervals