covid19br 0.1.1
CRAN release: 2020-11-24
- Inclusion of an informative message in the downloadCovid19 function to notify the user when the data is temporarily unavailable.
covid19br 0.1.2
CRAN release: 2021-10-08
Development of the package’s webpage (
Inclusion of 2 vignettes showing how to use the package.
Implementation of add_epi_rates() function to add epidemiological rates (incidence, mortality and lethatity) to the downloaded data.
Implementation of add_geo() function to add georeferenced data to the downloaded COVID19 data.
Addition of georeferenced data for Brazil (at city, state and region levels) and world (at country level).
Lubridate package removed from the Imports field in the DESCRIPTION file.
covid19br 0.1.3
CRAN release: 2021-10-17
Addition of datasets with 2018 Brazilian presidential election results at city, state and regional levels.
Georeferenced data was removed from the package and made available on the fly when calling the function add_geo().
Documentation update
Update of vignettes
covid19br 0.1.7
CRAN release: 2023-09-05
- Adding @aliases covid19br-package to the documentation as requested by the CRAN team.